Coffee and chai in Jamshedpur

Find places that serve the best chai and coffee Jamshedpur.

Wine and Dine in Jamshedpur

The classy places to wine and dine in the city. Find them all here.

Refreshing places in Jammy

Explore the refreshing hangouts in town with JSR Hangouts

Jamshedpur's Season's Delicacies

Find the season's delicacies of the city with JSR Hangouts

Satisfy your sweet tooth in the Steel City

Explore the popular and less popular but delicious bakeries, pattiseries in town

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Bored of gyming? Try the sports complex!

This is one place in Jamshedpur that offers the maximum number of sports activities on one ground.
You name it and they have it.  Archery, Lawn Tennis, Table Tennis, Chess, Adventure Sports, Gymnasiums, Yoga and Meditation Centre, Badminton, Basket Ball, Volley Ball, Skating (Seasonal), Kick-Boxing, Athletics.. phew.. And I may have left something out. The Horse Riding School in Jamshedpur is also run by the sports complex admin.

The various sports and activities will be covered on this blog individually too. Keep following the blog :)

Get a good view of our little town from Little Italy

The best eat outs in Jamshedpur Tatanagar: Little Italy
The view from this roof top restaurant:

Jampot City Restaurant Jamshedpur's Best : Little Italy

Restaurant that serves hookah with Italian!

The superbly maintained terrace "ristorante". Every detail of the hotel is so well thought of that it inspires me to care for my own living space better. The secret lies in the personal touch here. There's no band of MBAs running this 3 star. Its family managed, headed by a very smart lady. Great work!

A Lot more than Admirable Architecture : Russi Modi Centre for Excellence

Welcome to Jamshedpur's most beautiful modern architecture, which is Russi Modi Centre for Excellence.
Picture Credit: Sonal Agarwal